9️⃣ Strong Self-Relationship Indicators
How's your self-relationship?
When it's where it needs to be, you...
listen to what your body needs and trust yourself to fuel and move it accordingly without have-tos, control, discipline or beatdowns
prioritize and follow through on your important health goals instead of distracting yourself from action
talk kindly to yourself even when you have weight to lose or you mess up
look in the mirror and like what you see without judgment or shame
feel enough
feel calm, confident, stress-resilient, and joyful no matter what's hitting the fan
put your health needs at the same priority level as everyone else's needs
have energy and time for you
set unshakable and guilt-free boundaries for yourself instead of playing small
If you recognize your self-relationship isn't where it needs to be, guess what? It's messing with your…
ability to stick with the healthy habits you say are important to you.
how much money you make
time management
work/life balance
relationships (romantic or otherwise)
sleep, weight
My signature small group cohort, MindBodyNOW is starting soon.
Is this class the solution you didn’t know you were looking for?
It’s reasonable to be unsure so let me send you some questions that help you decide (click here and scroll down) I’ll also include a scheduling link if you want to take the next step — a no-obligation and transparent convo to ask and answer questions. No pressure. This class isn’t for everyone but I hope you give yourself an opportunity to see.
Or, if you know now it’s time to change your relationship with yourself, email me now and let’s chat.
I load this class with extras including 1:1 coaching. I’m excited to tell you about it all! And because I believe in the shifts you’ll see, I offer up a money-back guarantee.
You can change your relationship with your body and your life for good. The science-backed tools you’ll learn + the accountability you get from me to apply them in your everyday life ensure it.
It feels like peace. Finally.