MindBodyNOW is exclusively for…
Professional women ready for upgraded life and self-relationship tools because the alternative — living with the ‘never enough’ ick, stress, fatigue, and time shortage to take care of your body — has lost its appeal.
Have you been running around doing all of the overs? You know, over-performing, perfecting, pleasing, responsible-ing, controlling, and thinking? And you’re stressed and drained because there’s never enough time for you? Are you OVER it?
That’s why I eventually crashed, you know. I was so busy, stressed, and overwhelmed trying to manage all of the ‘overs’ (and still not believing I was doing a good enough job) that I never stopped to notice I had become a shell of myself. My self-relationship was out to lunch. A long one at that — years.
And get this — I thought my ‘not enoughness’ was my fault. It must be me. What was I doing wrong that I didn’t have time to get everything checked off my to-do list? What was wrong with me that I didn’t have enough willpower, motivation, or energy to get to the gym, meal prep, count macros, or stick to the healthy habits I said were important to me? I always thought I needed to try harder.
If you’re nodding with a sigh, hear me out: None of this is your fault!
You do know how to take care of your health and your body. You do know how to motivate yourself. You are more than enough at work and home. You just need to unravel from your inner critic and learn a few upgraded tools that re-introduce you to the kick-ass you you’ve been missing.
Three straightforward, science-backed, and mind-blowing tools teach you:
1) How to manage your mind and lose your inner critic.
Your inner critic has been zapping your time, joy, peace, and ease for years because she fills your head with believable lies like you’re not enough and you better try harder to do it all (this is where the ‘over’s come in to play). This normalized voice isn’t normal or logical. This voice says the path to easy and lasting health is to try harder, judge yourself, and use more discipline? Nope. It’s the opposite. Easy and lasting results happen when you lose this berating voice and develop a healthy self-relationship!
Your jaw’s gonna drop when you see how sneaky your inner critic is and how it’s been draining your time and energy all along. Your smile returns when your days start filling with joy, confidence, and ease.
2) How to have a healthy and compassionate relationship with yourself and your intuitive body.
It’s a sad statistic that 75% of women don’t feel enough or have healthy relationships with their bodies. Not on my watch! This is where you learn to like who you are and your body because with those in place? Sticking with your health goals becomes easy.
Not only do you learn to like your body, but you also get great at listening to its intuitive cues (something you can hear now that your mind is quiet). This makes decision-making, self-trust, follow-through, boundary, and value-honoring easy.
3) How to be NOW and fully present.
This. Is. Freedom. This is you being your authentic, stress-resilient, at-peace, and confident self in all situations, no matter what’s hitting the fan. Time and peace expand when you’re now.
And because I hold you accountable to apply and practice these three science-backed pillars in real-time in your real life, they become your upgraded operating system at home and work….in only eight weeks.
How does having an additional 6-8 hours of productive time each week sound?
Where do these magical hours come from?
1.Your at-peace and focused mind.
2. Your healthy relationship with yourself and your intuitive body.
3. And your ability to be now and stress-resilient for everyday life.
What are you doing with 6-8 hours of extra time and ease each week?
working a normal work day? Or even less?
planning your next career move?
hiking? Being in nature?
working out?
having fun cooking?
whatever the F you want?
This life exists and without…
forcing willpower to get to the gym, needing a personal trainer to motivate you, and without counting macros, calories, or being tied to your Fitbit.
any outside ‘fixes’ like weight loss programs, cleanses, juices, meditations, etc.
needing to get better with time management skills
being selfish and neglecting your important relationships
reading every self-help book and then fizzling out midway through because you don’t understand how to apply the tools in your everyday life
spending months talking about it in therapy trying to uncover where these patterns started
What’s more? This life is faster to achieve than what your inner critic makes you believe. Eight weeks, in fact.
Normal side-effects
Natural and lasting weight loss (if that’s important to you) even if you’ve struggled for years
Relationships get easier at work and home
Zest and fun for life return
Self-worth to ask for raises, leave unhealthy situations, or put yourself first guilt-free
Nervous system settles
Everyday peace, focus, and joy
6-8 hours of added productive time for you
Stress resiliency no matter what life throws at you
Easy and confident decision-making
And I’m sure I’m leaving off some because that’s the thing – when you learn the three pillars in MindBodyNOW, literally everything in your life improves
Is this class the solution you didn’t know you were looking for?
It’s reasonable to be unsure so let me send you a self-assessment to help you decide (scroll down). This class isn’t for everyone but I hope you allow yourself to see.
And because I know you like efficiency, transparency, and realness (like me!), along with the self-assessment, I’ll share the investment.
Or, if you know it’s beyond time to pull the trigger because you’ve been thinking about making a change for years, but you know…no time…email me now and let’s start an easy convo. If it makes sense to take the next step, I’ll invite you to a Zoom so we can meet face-to-face.
And because I believe in the shifts you’ll see, I offer a money-back guarantee.
You can change your relationship with your body and your life for good. The science-backed tools you’ll learn + the accountability you get from me to apply them in your everyday life ensure it.
It feels like peace. Finally.
I offer MindBodyNOW in two formats: 1:1 and small group (3-5 women.)
Watch Kelli’s video and hear about her experience.
Note: This class was formally called MindBodySWEAT.
Watch Cheryl’s video and hear about her experience.
Note: This class was formally called MindBodySWEAT.