'Coming out' is for everyone
“Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.”
National Coming Out Day is the day each year that BLT&GQ+ (Bisexual, Lesbian, Transgender, Gay, and Queer) citizens celebrate and reflect back on the day they ‘came out.’ And for some it’s the day they actually say it out loud for the first time.
How freeing and scary is that? Very.
Being your true, authentic self is so very liberating yet when you’re going through it…scary as hell.
How many people can relate? Even if you aren’t a BLT or a GQ+, are you living authentically? Have you ‘Come Out’?
What are your unique beliefs? What are your passions? Are you able to express them openly and honestly? Are you willing to be and show your true self? Willing to be vulnerable and transparent to others?
The majority of our society does what they think they should. People live in fear of what everyone will think, live to appease their families and stay in jobs or relationships because that’s what they think they ‘should’ do.
Stop shoulding on yourself and giving so much energy to everyone else!
Being authentic means having the guts to make and stand by (what other people may view as) unpopular decisions. It means living from your heart and what feels right for you.
1. Do you play small around other people and allow them to make rules that don’t feel right for you?
2. Are you pressured to live a certain way? Is status quo bringing you status whoa?
3. Do you have dreams for yourself but continually talk yourself out of them? Or do others talk you out of them?
4. Do you feel constricted and stressed?
5. Are you uninspired? Bored? Short-tempered? Unhappy?
6. Do you often feel out of sorts with what you’re doing or who you’re with?
7. Does it turn your stomach to go to your job? Come home from work?
8. Do you live life half awake? Are you ‘just OK?’
9. Are you so busy doing for others that your passions and joys seem like a distant memory?
10. Do you justify your actions or inactions, over-think, and what-if everything to death when you think about being bolder in your life and then stay stalled out?
Make a stand to COME OUT and allow your true passions and beliefs to shine because living an amazing life that feels good and authentic to you (the person who really matters) is the best and most freeing way to live.
And yep, there will be discomfort but what would you rather — temporary discomfort or infinite discomfort?
I chose temporary discomfort and I couldn’t be happier or prouder of myself.
I’m the L in BLT :)