Your BEST defense to practice during this crazy time Motivation MondayKelly SummersettApril 2, 2020how to manage my mind during the corona epidemic?, how to stop stressing during a pandemic, how to stop freaking out and stressing, how to stay present and grounded during corona pandemic, how does cortisol impact my immune system?Comment
Corona fears and what will help you Motivation MondayKelly SummersettMarch 24, 2020corona virus, covid 19, corona fears, how to stay calm during a pandemic, top tool for keeping corona calm, mindset during corona, motivation during the corona pandemic, how to stay positive during corona, how to stay empowered during the corona pandemic Comment
Five positive questions to put on repeat! Motivation MondayKelly SummersettMarch 2, 2020next-level living, life coach chattanooga, life and health coach chattanooga, positive questions to ask yourself, focus on what's going right, small group coaching chattanoogaComment
Stuck in ‘OK’ living? Un-catch 22 yourself with this Motivation MondayKelly SummersettFebruary 24, 2020inner critic, how to change a habit, mindset is keeping me stuck, Next Level You small group class, stop living an OK life, why do i stay stuck in the same patterns?, catch 22, I feel stuck but don't know how to move forwardComment
How Critical is Your Inner Critic Situation? Take this quiz Motivation MondayKelly SummersettFebruary 18, 2020how to quite my inner critic, how do i get to the next level of life?, how critical is your inner critic?, how to make more money, how do i manage my mind?, Next Level You small group class, life and health coach chattanooga, inner critic coachComment
Super Bowl J-Lo is a … {Truth bomb} You relate? Motivation MondayKelly SummersettFebruary 11, 2020J-Lo, Shakira, Super Bowl 2020 LIV, is J-Lo a slut?, Super Bowl 2020 half-time show, J-Lo and Shakira selling out, confidence is sexy, J-lo and Shakira are sexyComment
Staying out of 'maybe' hell! Motivation MondayKelly SummersettJanuary 16, 2020staying out of maybe hellComment
How my Bose stereo SAVED me! Motivation MondayKelly SummersettJanuary 13, 2020getting out of a mindset funk, unfunk yourself, mindset tricks, it's a brain changer, podcast, how to get out of your headComment