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Hi! I’m Kelly.

I work with professional women who over-perform at work and home and they’re OVER IT.

If you want daily peace and ease (no matter what’s hitting the fan) and the confidence, time, and energy to take care of your body, I got you. The science-backed tools I’ll teach you how to apply in your everyday life will blow your mind.


You’re not crazy. Women have been programmed to believe worthiness, peace, happiness, and confidence come from being the right size and having it all together.

We’re bombarded with messaging reinforcing this daily hourly.

So, it makes perfect sense why you have this internal voice telling you you’re not enough which then leads to struggles with food, exercise, and body image.

Learning how to fire your inner critic is the pivotal first step to the life you’re dreaming of.

I can’t say enough good things about Kelly’s coaching strategy. I have been through years of counseling and therapy but still felt stagnant. After reading “You Are a Badass” for the fifth time, I realized I needed a direct push. This is where Kelly came to my rescue.
— Laura Marsh, Founder of Nova Conservation
By Week 5 with Kelly, I was a completely different person. I was ALIVE again for the first time in a long time. Kelly gave me my life back, reminded me who I am, and taught me how to navigate the daily struggles with ease and grace. I am eternally grateful for all that Kelly has done to help me, and I highly recommend if you are struggling in any area of your life
— Dianne Churillo, Project Manager

If you could win a crown for never feeling enough, back in the day I would have received two – winner and first runner-up.

I eventually crashed in 2011. And it turned out to be the most profound time of my life because it compelled me to finally figure myself out.

After countless hours of researching, getting coached, and experimenting with tools (and all of the messiness that comes with self-growth), I finally honed in on three science-backed tools that have become the pillars of my work.

I’d love to tell you more.

— Kelly

P.S. If you decide to hang out here for a minute, you’ll see I offer both personal training and life coaching. It’s because personal training is where I got my start back in 2009 and I still love incorporating it for clients who need it.