Kelly Summersett: Life Coach for Professional Women

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Stop avoiding these or you'll start a dumpster fire

I'm talking about having difficult conversations.

I know. It's human nature to avoid them. And who adds gas to the fire? Your inner critic. 


Here's what she says will happen:


  1. You will make things worse

  2. You will hurt their feelings

  3. It's probably your fault anyway, so you better try harder


Lies. All lies. 


You know why you really avoid having difficult convos? 


  1. Lack of self-worth and self-confidence

  2. You don't want to feel uncomfortable emotions


Here's what I mean:

Real-life relationship situation

She always thought she needed to try harder to make things work in her marriage because she felt overly responsible for holding it together. She always stayed quiet and walked on pins and needles so she wouldn't ruffle feathers. She became a shell of herself and because she was so stressed and drained, she stopped taking care of her body and gained weight. Of course, her inner critic had a field day with this as her self-image dropped to an all-time low. 

And after all of the internal suffering she endured by not being bold enough to speak up for herself, he left her for another woman.

Real-life work situation
She poured herself into work and was the one everyone counted on because she was so responsible, organized, and efficient. As the company grew, so did her responsibilities and workload. 

She thought they'd notice how hard she worked and would give her a raise. But month after month passed and they only seemed to notice that she could keep handling more. 

There was always a perfectly good reason her inner critic made up for why it wasn't a good time to have a conversation about her needs and pay.


And because she was so stressed trying hard to juggle all of the projects, she lacked energy for her family and taking care of her body. 

She felt hopeless that she could find another job that paid as well so she just kept her head down and did her best to try and cope.

When your inner critic encourages you to avoid difficult conversations, you lose. You become a shell of yourself. And because you're stressed and drained, you understandably don't take loving care of your body. Or if you're disciplined enough, you might force yourself to continue exercising and become frustrated when the weight doesn't come off due to the cortisol pulsing through your veins. 

No one thinks a dumpster fire is going to happen to them and yet when you avoid difficult conversations that's exactly what you create. 

Are you in a dumpster right now with a gas can and a lit match? 

Teaching women how to lose their inner critics', up-level their self-worth and confidence, and how to feel discomfort and speak up anyway is my jam. If this is what you know you need, I have a limited-time offer.

My BRIGHT Friday BIG Deal

A 1 ½ hour intensive complete with prep work, two weeks of unlimited email and texting, and a 15-minute follow-up



I have opened four spots and have three left. 

Intensive must happen between December 2nd and January 8th, 2024. 

A common question:


What if I need more coaching? 


Yes, even though we cover a lot of ground and you get all of my love and support during our 1:1 intensive (and pre and post), if you decide to dive deeper, you have the option of rolling into my 1:1 program or join my small group January cohort. The best part? The $168 you paid for your Bright Friday Deal will apply to whatever program you roll into!


You in? The Next step is to email me back and we’ll start with a quick chat to see if we’re aligned. If so, we’ll knock out the payment and schedule and get you going with prep work! Easy. And hands-down the brightest post-Thanksgiving deal you don’t even have to get up at 4:00am to fight over :) 

P.S. I rarely do deals. Like almost never. And this one's BIG. If you’re on the fence, get off quick and snatch this up.

What else is your inner critic being loud about? Here are five common themes she probably has on repeat in your life that, you guessed it, will lead you to more dumpster fires. Take this self-assessment and learn how to take your power back.